Polar Wildlife: The Best Tours

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For the chance to see the sensational range of polar wildlife, customized Arctic Cruise Tours are great, offering the safety, convenience and expert natural guidance that makes a wildlife vacation such a memorable experience.
There are several great destinations in the northern and southern polar areas, but the leading options are Finland, West Greenland, and Spitsbergen and so on.

The biggest island of the Svalbard, Spitsbergen is just 600 miles south of the North Pole and the home to a versatile set of Arctic wildlife. Customized Antarctica tours take to the sea, cruising across the island to look for Polar bear hunting and possibly the rare bowhead whale. Huge amount of birds populate the coastal rifts of the island. Visiting Spitsbergen during the summer months give lovers an incredible experience of the midnight sun, as daylight stays for 24 hours.
West Greenland

The icy areas of Greenland concede to the fertile feeding grounds at its corners, where glaciers submerge to the nutrient-rich Arctic areas. Just like Spitsbergen, to witness the west Greenland wildlife, customized tours utilize the water. Icebergs and cruising through ice cliffs where Ringed and Bearded seals rest, visiting Disko Island and looking for the rare Bowhead whale that feeds there. Bird life is rich in this area. The beautiful landscape and rich availability of wildlife makes west Greenland a leading destination for polar wildlife lovers.

Finland offers a different but rewarding polar experience. In the forest across Oulu, a town on the Gulf of Bothnia, ample bird species, specifically owls are available. Travelling near to the Arctic Circle before flying to Antarctica, to the Oulanka National Park or the taiga forests, wildlife lovers can hope to witness red squirrel and reindeer, and also the usual range of bird species.
Sub Antarctica

Turning to the opposite end of the world and its wildlife, customized Antarctica tours to the remote Sub-antarctic Islands are a great introduction to the lesser visited pole. While cruising, tourists can witness thousands of breeding pairs of Penguin on the Snares Island, some yellow eyed penguins and much more.
If you have ever dreamt about working in Antarctica, then don’t cream anymore, the chances are out there. Check out the employment agencies working in your country. Most of the countries have a base in Antarctica, and they are always looking for cooks, business owners, utilities etc to maintain and update the stations so that the scientists can go there and do their research. You may also consult an Antarctica travel agency regarding this.
As a traveller, you will check a part of the world that is hard to reach. The wildlife is diverse and quite unique to the area. Antarctica is a heave for the photographers, the seals, the birds, the whales, the penguins, and overall the wildlife, and the beautiful sunsets. You can experience all this through Antarctica cruises Tour packages.
If you are looking for a vacation or adventure with a difference, you can’t go beyond Antarctica. Why you might ask? Okay, it truly is the most unexplored areas of the Earth. Everything about Antarctica is unknown, although it is clean and has some of the most scintillating scenic beauties and wildlife on this planet.
Disko Island

The cruise will enter the waters of Disko Island where the rare Bowhead Whale feeds on small prey in the nutrient-rich Arctic sea from Late February to June. This whale is often witnessed on such cruises. Remarkably, people might live for almost 200 years. The waters of the Disko island is also home to whales, and also some Harp and ringed seals. The lucky few will witness the more elusive Atlantic Walrus or the legendary Narwhal, whose horns used to be the source of the unicorn horns in Europe.
Moreover, it is possible to land at Disko Island and some of he smaller offshore islands. The landscape and its incredible inhabitants won’t be forgotten by any lucky visitor.
Author: Harold Keith
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